Environment Variables
Docker image environment variables are given below
Variable | Default | Required | Type | Description |
PORT | 80 | No | Integer | Port that the backend API runs on |
HOST | localhost | No | String | |
RATE_LIMIT | 1000 | No | Integer | The number of requests allowed per client to the API in a 5 minute windows |
NODE_ENV | production | No | String | Options are “production” or “development” |
WEB_GUI | true | No | Boolean | Determines whether the API runs a simple frontend or not |
AUTH_ENABLE | false | No | Boolean | Use JWT auth for API |
AUTH_USER | admin | No | String | Auth username for login |
AUTH_PASSWORD | ffmp3gap1 | No | String | Auth password for login |
AUTH_KEY | averysecretkey | No | String | Private key for generating JWT tokens. Change this if you’re using authentication |
MEDIA_PATH | ./data/media | No | String | Directory to keep media in. Useful to change if media is stored in a network share |
QUEUE_SIZE | 5 | No | Integer | Number of FFMpeg processes that can run simultaneously |
LOG_FOLDER | logs | No | String | Folder that logs are stored in |
LOG_NAME | ffmpeg | No | String | Log file names |
LOG_LEVEL | info | No | String | Logging level “debug”, “error”, “info”, “http” or “warning” |